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Law Firm Lead Generation: 6 Proven Strategies To Attract More Clients

Successful law firms require a steady flow of new clients. But in a highly competitive market, finding, engaging and converting leads can be tough.

The days of relying solely on word-of-mouth referrals and traditional advertising are long gone. Instead, law firms must embrace data-driven, strategic lead-generation techniques to stay ahead.

Whether you’re a small boutique firm or a large corporate entity, the challenge is the same.

And in this handy guide, we’ll look at six ways to generate high-quality leads that convert into loyal clients. From harnessing the power of PPC to optimising your online presence, discover how your law firm can leverage these lead generation tactics to attract more clients and drive success.

How much do legal leads cost?

The cost of legal leads is critical. Paying too much can strain a law firm’s digital marketing budget without guaranteeing a proportional return on investment, potentially leading to wasted resources and missed opportunities.

Conversely, cost-effective lead generation can attract more potential clients without compromising quality, and allow law firms to stretch their marketing budgets further.

The price of legal leads can vary significantly depending on the platform and the type of legal service offered. 

  • Legal leads generally cost between £60 and £120 per lead, but the cost can rise dramatically for specific practice areas. 
  • For instance, personal injury leads can easily range from £200 to £400 per lead due to this sector’s high demand and competitive nature.
  • When considering different platforms for generating legal leads, Google Search is likely to be the most expensive option. This is due to high levels of competition on the platform. LinkedIn follows closely behind in terms of cost, offering targeted professional leads but at a premium price. 
  • Platforms like Facebook and YouTube provide more budget-friendly options, with leads typically costing between £10 to £30. These platforms can be particularly effective for reaching a broad audience and generating interest through engaging content, making them a valuable addition to any law firm’s lead generation strategy.

Recommendation: New to the world of PPC advertising or perhaps you’re looking to improve your current results? Read our insightful “PPC marketing for law firms” guide to scale your lead generation results.

The six best law firm lead generation platforms

By understanding the cost dynamics, law firms can better allocate their marketing resources and choose the platforms that best align with their budget and client acquisition goals.

Striking a balance between high-cost, high-intent leads from platforms like Google Search and more affordable options from Meta and YouTube can be an effective lead generation strategy.

Here are six of the best law firm lead generation platforms.

1. Google Ads

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) is a powerful lead-generation platform. Not least because when potential clients search for legal services, they usually turn to Google with specific queries, indicating their immediate need for legal assistance.

This high level of intent means leads generated through the platform are likely to convert into actual clients, providing a substantial return on investment.

Benefits of Google Ads for law firm lead generation:

  • Audience reach. Google is the world’s most widely used search engine, processing around 8.5 billion searches every day.
  • Sophisticated targeting. Google offers advanced targeting options, such as location targeting, keyword targeting, and audience demographics, allowing law firms to hone in on their ideal clients.
  • In-depth reporting. Google provides detailed analytics and reporting, enabling law firms to track the performance of their ads, make data-driven decisions, and continuously optimise their campaigns.
  • Local targeting. Google Ads offers geographic targeting to help lawyers attract clients actively seeking legal assistance from their local region. 

Despite the benefits, the cost of Google Ads can be off-putting. Due to the competitive nature of the legal industry, especially in high-demand areas like personal injury law, the platform’s cost per click (CPC) can be high.

Additionally, the complexity of setting up and managing Google Ad campaigns can be daunting for those without the necessary experience. Careful budget management and partnering with an experienced legal marketing agency can mitigate the cons and ensure a successful Google Ads strategy.

2. Bing Ads

The world’s second-largest search engine (now known as Microsoft Advertising) can achieve significant results without the high cost. As such, Bing Ads can be a savvy choice for law firms looking to amplify their lead-generation efforts.

Benefits of Bing Ads for law firm lead generation:

  • Lower cost and competition. One of the primary advantages of Bing is the lower competition compared to Google. This reduced competition often results in a lower cost per click (CPC), making it a compelling option for law firms. 
  • Audience demographics. Bing users tend to be slightly older and more affluent, which can benefit law firms targeting mature and financially stable clients.
  • Robust targeting. Bing offers robust advertising features, including location, device, and demographic targeting, allowing firms to fine-tune their campaigns and reach the most relevant potential clients.
  • Integration with other platforms. Bing allows easy import of Google Ads campaigns, making it simple for law firms to extend their PPC strategy to another platform without significant additional setup time. Integration with LinkedIn data further enhances Bing’s targeting capabilities.

Of course, Bing is cheaper than Google due to the reduced competition on the platform, where law firms can save up to 50% on the cost-per-click (CPC). Most importantly, Bing Ads reaches millions of users who aren’t actively searching on Google Ads.

However, with an understanding of Bing Ads’ targeting capabilities and careful campaign optimisation, law firms can attract high-quality leads at a low CPC, giving them a competitive edge.

3. LinkedIn Ads

With over 900 million users worldwide, LinkedIn Ads can be a potent tool for law firms seeking to generate high-quality leads in the B2B sector.

The platform’s focus on professional networking means that leads generated through LinkedIn are often more serious and likely to convert into paying clients.

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads for law firm lead generation:

  • Professional user base. LinkedIn is home to millions of professionals, business executives, and decision-makers, making it an ideal platform for law firms targeting corporate clients or individuals needing specialised legal services (e.g. shareholders, directors, etc.) 
  • Job and industry targeting. LinkedIn can target ads based on job titles, industries, company size, and other professional criteria. This helps law firms reach a highly relevant audience.
  • Reporting and analytics. LinkedIn’s robust analytics and reporting tools help firms track the performance of their ads, refine their targeting, and optimise their campaigns.
  • Various ad formats. LinkedIn offers multiple ad layouts, including Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Text Ads, and Dynamic Ads. These provide flexibility in how law firms present their services, whether through engaging content, direct messages, or succinct ad placements. 

LinkedIn tends to be more expensive than other social media platforms due to the professional nature and high value of its audience.

The cost per click (CPC) and cost per impression (CPM) can be significantly higher, which might be a barrier for law firms with limited marketing budgets.

Strategic budget allocation and a clear understanding of LinkedIn’s audience can help law firms maximise their return on investment and achieve their marketing goals.

4. Meta Ads (Formerly Facebook Ads)

Facebook (owned by Meta) is the world’s most popular social network. As of April 2024, the platform had 3 billion monthly active users, so law firms overlook Facebook at their peril.

Benefit of Facebook Ads for law firm lead generation:

  • Extensive reach. With billions of active users, Meta helps law firms connect with a vast and diverse audience. This broad reach is particularly beneficial for law firms that offer a variety of legal services and want to attract clients from different demographics.
  • Targeting options. Facebook’s advanced targeting options, including interests, behaviours, demographics, and Lookalike audiences, help lawyers get in front of their ideal clients (e.g. those going through life events that usually require legal services).
  • Variety of ad formats. Meta Ads offers a range of ad formats that cater to different marketing objectives, from image and video ads to carousel ads and lead generation forms.
  • Remarketing options. Meta’s retargeting capabilities allow firms to re-engage with users who have previously interacted with their ads or visited their websites, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

One of the main drawbacks of Meta is the potential for fatigue, where users become desensitised to advertisements after seeing them repeatedly.

Another consideration is the platform’s evolving algorithms and policies, which can impact ad performance and require continuous adaptation.

Careful ad design, a strong focus on lead quality, and an in-depth understanding of the platform will ensure law firms maximise ROI and achieve their client acquisition goals.

5. Google Display Network

The Google Display Network (GDN) encompasses over two million websites, videos, and apps, reaching over 90% of internet users worldwide.

The primary purpose of GDN is to help businesses, including law firms, reach a broad audience.

Benefits of Google Display Network for law firm lead generation

  • Vast reach. One of the primary advantages of using GDN is its immense reach. Comprising millions of websites, news pages, blogs, and Google-owned properties like YouTube and Gmail, GDN helps law firms increase their visibility.
  • Targeting capabilities. With GDN law firms can use contextual, keyword, placement, and audience targeting to ensure their ads are displayed to the right people at the right time. 
  • Diverse ad formats. GDN offers a variety of ad formats, including responsive display ads, image ads, and video ads, allowing law firms to create visually engaging content and capture the attention of potential clients. 
  • Costeffective. GDN often offers lower cost-per-click (CPC) rates than search ads, making it an affordable way to increase brand awareness and reach a broader audience. 

One of the main drawbacks of GDN is the potential for lower lead quality, as display ads are often shown to users not actively searching for legal services.

Nevertheless, careful targeting and continuous optimisation can help law firms maximise their return on investment.

6. YouTube Ads

YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world, with over two billion logged-in users visiting each month and billions of hours of video watched daily.

This colossal audience makes YouTube a powerful lead generation platform, enabling law firms to engage with their target audience though creative video content.

Benefits of YouTube for law firm lead generation 

  • Enormous viewership. YouTube offers law firm advertisers unparalleled reach to a diverse global audience. 
  • Wide choice of ad formats. YouTube offers a variety of ad formats to suit different marketing objectives. This includes engaging and visual skippable in-stream, non-skippable, bumper, and video discovery ads. 
  • Targeting options. YouTube offers a range of options including demographic and interest targeting, custom-intent audiences, in-market audiences, and remarketing. 
  • Cost-effective. With options like TrueView, law firms only pay when viewers engage with their ads – either by watching 30 seconds of a video or clicking a call-to-action (CTA). This ensures a cost-effective approach to your law firm advertising strategy.

For highly specialised legal services, YouTube’s broad user base might not always provide the precision needed to reach the most relevant potential clients.

Balancing high-quality content creation, precise targeting, and continuous optimisation can help mitigate this risk and maximise the powerful benefits offered by YouTube advertising.

Popular types of legal leads

Different legal practice areas have unique characteristics and clientele, requiring tailored strategies for effective lead generation for lawyers.

Here are some handy insights into some of the most common legal services. 

Family law leads

Generating new family law leads involves a combination of online and offline strategies.

For example: 

  • Keyword research. Identifying and targeting relevant keywords such as “divorce lawyer UK,” “child custody solicitor,” and “family law advice” can help inform family law firms when creating and optimising content and platforms. However, as family law is a competitive area, firms may need to focus on long-tail keywords with lower competition and higher intent to attract qualified leads.
  • Content marketing. Creating informative and empathetic content that addresses common family law issues can help attract leads. Sharing informative and engaging content on social media platforms will help build an audience and drive traffic to the firm’s website.
  • Targeted Ads. Using demographic and behavioural targeting on social media can help reach individuals in need of family law services. Targeted PPC campaigns on Google Ads can capture high-intent search traffic, while Bing Ads offers a cost-effective alternative. Facebook’s targeting capabilities can also help reach individuals undergoing life changes, such as marriage or divorce.
  • SEO. Optimising your website for search terms related to family law will help capture organic search traffic. Also optimising your firm’s website for local search terms and ensuring your Google My Business profile is complete and current is essential.
  • Traditional advertising. Placing ads in local newspapers, magazines, and community bulletins can help to reach a broad audience, while advertising on local radio stations and TV channels can reach potential clients who may be less active online.

Personal injury leads

With a clever mix of marketing strategies, personal injury law firms can generate cost-effective, high-quality leads and grow their client base.

Top tactics  include: 

  • SEO. Focusing on high-intent keywords like “personal injury lawyer,” “accident claims solicitor,” and “workplace injury compensation” and optimising your website and social media platforms for these search terms will help capture organic search traffic. However, personal injury SEO this is a highly competitive area, so long-tail keywords can drill down into user intent and deliver more cost-effective leads. 
  • Content marketing. Writing and sharing detailed articles, case studies, and guides on personal injury topics, and optimising these for SEO will attract organic search traffic. Personal injury clients are often dealing with physical and emotional trauma, so providing compassionate and supportive legal services can differentiate your firm and build trust.
  • Targeted ads. Running targeted PPC campaigns on Google Ads and Bing Ads using particular keywords can capture users actively seeking legal assistance for personal injuries. Facebook’s advanced targeting options can also help reach individuals who have been recently involved in accidents and are researching personal injury claims. 
  • Review management. In a world of so-called ‘ambulance chasers, ‘ reputation is vital. Actively managing and soliciting positive reviews on Google, Trustpilot, and other review platforms will help build credibility and trust.
  • Events. Offering to speak at local clubs, community centres, and organisations about personal injury law and rights can generate offline personal injury leads. 

Conveyancing leads

The conveyancing process is often perceived as a commodity, with many clients seeking the most cost-effective service rather than valuing expertise and quality. This makes lead generation particularly challenging.

Here are some strategies to generate new conveyancing leads:

  • SEO. Keywords such as “conveyancing solicitor UK,” “home buying solicitor,” and “conveyancing lawyer” are high-intent keywords, as people searching for these terms are often closer to making a decision or purchase. By targeting these specific, high-intent keywords, you attract visitors more likely to convert into clients because their search indicates a clear need or intent. However, long-tail keywords generally face less competition than broad, generic ones. This makes achieving higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs) easier and delivers more cost-effective PPC. 
  • Content marketing. Regularly publishing blog posts, articles, and guides on topics related to conveyancing can help with lead-generation. These could include step-by-step guides for first-time home buyers, explanations of legal terms, and updates on property laws.
  • Search Ads. Running targeted PPC campaigns on Google and Bing, focusing on keywords related to conveyancing services can generate new leads. Use location targeting to reach potential clients in specific areas. 
  • Social Media Ads. Leveraging Facebook’s targeting capabilities can help firms reach individuals in need of conveyancing services, such as those in property-related groups or showing interest in Rightmove and other property portals.
  • Client Referrals. Encouraging satisfied clients to refer friends and family who may need conveyancing services is a tried and tested way to bring in new work. 
  • Advertisements. Advertising in local newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and community bulletins can reach potential clients who may not be active online.

Will writing leads

In the UK, many people recognise the importance of having a legally sound will, but still need to take this crucial step.

For will writing firms, generating new leads involves reaching out to these potential clients and emphasising the urgency and importance of estate planning.

To do this, law firms should consider: 

  • Keyword research. Identifying and targeting long tail keywords such as “affordable will writing service Manchester” or “how to write a will for blended families” can attract those with a higher intent to purchase.
  • Content creation. Regularly publishing blog posts, articles, and guides on topics related to will writing can boost will writing leads. 
  • SEO. Optimising your website for local search terms and ensuring your Google My Business profile is complete and up to date is vital. You should also encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews to boost local search rankings.
  • PPC. Running targeted PPC campaigns focusing on general and long tail keywords related to will writing services and using location targeting will help your firm reach potential clients in specific areas.
  • Social Media. Using Facebook’s targeting capabilities can reach individuals likely to need will writing services, such as those in age groups more likely to consider estate planning. Sharing informative and engaging content on social media platforms will help build an audience and drive traffic to your firm’s website.
  • Networking. Building relationships with financial advisors, estate planners, and other legal professionals can boost the number of referral clients. Attending industry events and joining professional associations will also expand your network.

Medical negligence leads

For law firms focusing on medical negligence, generating new leads involves reaching potential clients, building trust, and demonstrating expertise in handling complex and sensitive cases.

For example: 

  • Content marketing. Effective lead-generation strategies should focus on educating potential clients about their rights, providing clear information about the legal process, and showcasing the firm’s success in previous cases. This could involve publishing detailed articles, case studies, and guides on topics related to medical negligence.
  • SEO. Focusing on a mix of high-intent and long-tail keywords such as “medical negligence lawyer Bristol,” “NHS hospital negligence claims,” and “birth injury compensation lawyers Liverpool” can result in more qualified leads.
  • Online advertising. Running targeted PPC campaigns related to medical negligence and using location targeting will help reach potential clients in specific areas.
  • Social media. Sharing informative and engaging content on social media platforms will help build an audience and drive traffic to your firm’s website. 
  • Public Relations (PR). Building relationships with journalists and editors who cover medical negligence and wider healthcare topics is vital. Offer expert commentary on medical negligence cases and regularly issue press releases about significant case wins and important legal developments. Here your insights on medical negligence and patient rights will establish your firm as an authority in the field.

Employment law leads

For law firms specialising in employment law, generating new leads involves reaching employees and employers needing legal advice and representation.

A well-rounded approach might include: 

  • SEO. Identifying and targeting high-intent and long-tail keywords such as “employment lawyer UK,” “workplace discrimination solicitor,” and “unfair dismissal claims” can attract more qualified leads with specific needs.
  • Content creation: Publishing informative articles, guides, and case studies on topics related to employment law (e.g. handling workplace harassment, navigating redundancy processes, etc.), can build trust and leads. 
  • Local SEO. Optimising your website for local search terms and ensuring your Google My Business profile is complete and up to date is a must. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews to boost local search rankings.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Running targeted PPC campaigns focusing on general and long-tail keywords related to employment law services and using location targeting can help reach potential clients in specific areas.
  • Social media marketing. Leveraging LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities will help your firm reach HR professionals, employers, and employees who may need employment law services. Using Facebook’s demographic and interest-based targeting will help reach individuals facing employment issues. 
  • Educational events. Hosting webinars and podcasts on topics like “Understanding Employee Rights” or “Navigating Workplace Disputes” can help build trust and generate new employment law clients. 

Have a well-established system in place to handle leads

Before launching your law firm’s next lead generation campaign, make sure you have well-thought-out systems and processes in place.

This might include: 

  • Making sure your website is highly accessible, has an intuitive navigation, and provides a fantastic UX (user experience). This is essential to ensure you don’t lose leads after they land on your site. Find out more about what makes a great legal website here. 
  • Deciding whether you need to create bespoke landing pages to help convert leads to clients. 
  • Ensuring your sign-up/contact procedures are straightforward and hassle-free. 
  • Ensuring your law firm has processes to respond promptly to queries and follow up leads effectively. 
  • Putting tracking measures in place, such as bespoke phone numbers and links, to evaluate the source of each lead. 
  • Ensuring you can effectively track ROI to measure overall success. 

How to measure the success of your legal lead generation campaigns?

By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and analysing campaign data, law firms can identify what works, optimise their efforts, and achieve better results.

Here are some metrics to consider when evaluating your legal lead generation campaigns.

  • Lead volume. Track the number of enquiries, form submissions, phone calls, and consultations scheduled. High lead volume indicates that your campaigns are reaching a broad audience.
  • Lead quality. Assess lead quality by tracking conversion rates, i.e., the percentage of leads that turn into clients. High-quality leads are more likely to convert and bring value to your firm.
  • Cost-per-lead (CPL). Calculate CPL by dividing the total campaign expenditure by the number of leads generated. Monitoring CPL helps ensure that your lead generation efforts are cost-effective.
  • Conversion rate. Divide the number of converted leads by the total number of leads generated. A high conversion rate indicates that your campaigns attract leads with a solid intent to hire your services.
  • Return on investment (ROI) is calculated by comparing the revenue generated from new clients against the total cost of your lead generation campaigns. A positive ROI signifies that your campaigns are profitable.

Setting SMART goals and objectives

Setting clear and actionable goals can help ensure the success of your legal lead-generation campaigns.

The SMART framework provides a structured approach to goal setting, ensuring that your objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and Time-bound.

What this means Example
Specific Your goals should be clear and specific, detailing precisely what you aim to achieve. Generate 50 new personal injury leads per month through Google Ads at a cost of no more than £100 per lead.
Measurable Measurable goals allow you to track your progress and determine when you have achieved your objective. Increase the conversion rate of our PPC campaigns from 5% to 8% over the next three months.
Achievable Your goals should be realistic and attainable, considering the resources and constraints of your firm. Achieve a 10% increase in website traffic from organic search within six months by optimising 10 key service pages and publishing two blog posts per week.
Relevant Ensure your goals relate to your broader business objectives and align with your firm’s mission and vision. Expand our client base in employment law by 20% this year to align with our strategic plan to become our region’s leading employment law firm.
Time-bound Time-bound goals have a clear deadline, which creates a sense of urgency and helps prioritise tasks. Generate 100 qualified leads from our new email marketing campaign within the next quarter.

Ready to start generating more leads for your law firm?

To ensure your law firm’s lead-generation efforts deliver that all-important ROI, you need a strategic approach, knowledge of the latest online channels, and the expertise to get things done. At Magnify Lab, we offer a complete digital solution to deliver more traffic, leads, and clients for your legal practice.

Our innovative team of creative marketers, data scientists, and savvy developers has delivered tangible results for many UK law firms, including several in the Legal 500.

With experience across legal practice areas, if you’re ready to unlock your business growth, get in touch with our experienced team today. Book your free strategy session by calling 020 7205 2755 or simply complete the enquiry form on this page.